Friday, May 27, 2011

Scientists reverse stance on sun and cancer: Now they admit sunlight can prevent skin cancer

(NaturalNews) Since the 1980s, physicians and cancer groups have regularly warned the public against the potential health dangers of direct sunlight on skin. As a result, many people have stayed out of the sunlight completely, covered their limbs even in warm weather or slathered themselves with UV protection products, all in the interest of lowering their risk of melanomas. However, more recent findings indicate that this kind of nearly vampiric avoidance of the sun may not benefit your cancer odds after all.  A 2009 study by a group of Leeds University researchers found that higher levels of Vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds. Other studies have found that Vitamin D has a connection to a strong immune response in the body. In fact, Vitamin D may hasten the death of tumor cells.   link
Vitamin D new cancer hope (Leeds)

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