I came to South America early in 2009, in search of a cure. I was acting on a gut feeling, that the legendary visionary plant, ayahuasca, would help me. I had a brain tumor, caused by a chronic degenerative condition, called "acromegaly" which had dogged me for 20 years. I had spent many years searching and trying a plethora of complementary and alternative approaches to restoring my health, continually postponing major brain surgery and radiation therapy, despite the progressive degeneration and deformation of my body. I wanted to avoid the conventional treatments, because in my case, they would have meant severe physical trauma, the destruction of a vital organ, and ultimately destined a life monitored by a hospital and dependent on heavy medications. I was so determined that I could never lead this life that I was, quite literally, prepared to die instead of give in to it. And this conviction was never so stark as when my doctors landed the final bombshell late in 2008; I was definitively out of time.
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