Friday, May 13, 2011

Caves in Spain Yielding More Early Human Finds

Two caves, one with articulated Neanderthal remains that suggest a burial, and the other with remains dating back long before the first ice age, are revealing new finds and data that will help fill in the story of early humans in Southern Europe. 

It is a tale of two caves. Each has a story to tell about ancient human occupants who scratched a living out of Ice Age Europe. They may have lived in one of these caves as long ago as 900,000 years B.P. (before the present era). Scientists in southeastern Spain have been methodically piecing together the stories in these caves through careful excavation and analysis of finds that may significantly expand our knowledge of early humans and how they lived in what is today southern Europe. What is more, their finds may help fill in an important chapter in human evolution.   link

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