Monday, October 31, 2011
What the Costumes Reveal: Pathological Revelry over their Victims' Suffering -- Puppet Masters --
What the Costumes Reveal: Pathological Revelry over their Victims' Suffering -- Puppet Masters --
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.
Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal.
Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.
Read more:
Friday, October 21, 2011
The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade - Video / James Corbett
Just as the British Empire was in part financed by their control of the opium trade through the British East India Company, so too has the CIA been found time after time to be at the heart of the modern international drug trade. From its very inception, the CIA has been embroiled in the murky underworld of drug trafficking.
There are billions of dollars per year to be made in keeping the drug trade going, and it has long been established that Wall Street and the major American banks rely on drug money as a ready source of liquid capital. With those kinds of funds at stake, it is unsurprising to see a media-government-banking nexus develop around the status quo of a never-ending war on drugs – aided, abetted and facilitated by the modern-day British East India Company, the CIA.
This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting the history, documented facts, and cases on the CIA’s involvement and operations in the underworld of drug trafficking, from the Corsican Mafia in the 1940s through the 1980s Contras to the recent Zambada Niebla Case today.
The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade
There are billions of dollars per year to be made in keeping the drug trade going, and it has long been established that Wall Street and the major American banks rely on drug money as a ready source of liquid capital. With those kinds of funds at stake, it is unsurprising to see a media-government-banking nexus develop around the status quo of a never-ending war on drugs – aided, abetted and facilitated by the modern-day British East India Company, the CIA.
This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting the history, documented facts, and cases on the CIA’s involvement and operations in the underworld of drug trafficking, from the Corsican Mafia in the 1940s through the 1980s Contras to the recent Zambada Niebla Case today.
The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
US: New York - In Her Own Words: Naomi Wolf's Arrest At Occupy Wall Street -- Society's Child --
US: New York - In Her Own Words: Naomi Wolf's Arrest At Occupy Wall Street -- Society's Child --
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
UNGRIP (Full Length Movie)
From the creators of Esoteric Agenda ( and Kymatica (, UNGRIP penetrates the illusions and delusions of the legal system with direct relation to the psychology of humanity.
Inspired by the story of rob in the pagé family, as well as clips of Bruce Lipton, PHD and Ben: Stewart.
Talismanic Idols Productions (
Hanged Man Project (
Conscious Self Governance (
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Zombie training? OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis 'one voice' weirdness
Crowd participants slowly repeat each phrase the leading speaker is saying to them, with a series of hand signs used to provide the speaker and the group with feedback.
To the casual observer, this new system of communication may appear as compelling, as it is metaphoric. It might also remind you of the infamous ‘pass the conch’ scene from the Nobel Prize-winning novel by William Golding, Lord of the Flies.
It is a very slow and tedious process, often resulting in very few actual issues being fleshed out. In most cases, it takes triple the amount of time to convey the same amount of information that a normal speaker would accomplish by talking directly to the audience. But this can only be done when the group is forced to repeat the words of the speaker, so the speaker is forced to talk slowly, using fewer words at once. In this way, it is also a mesmerizing and extremely hypnotic group communication tool.
In this way, such NLP methods can also be used to promote ‘group-think’ and could be described as collectivist mind control education at its very finest.
Surprisingly Earth-like features revealed on Saturn's moon
After meticulously stitching together images that were gathered over six years by a NASA spacecraft in orbit around Saturn, astronomers have created a global map of the surface of Titan, the ringed planet's largest moon, and it features some surprisingly Earth-like geological features.
An international team of astronomers, led by the University of Nantes in France, created the striking mosaic of Titan's surface using infrared images taken by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Link
Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway
So, here’s what the article says: Do you want old people to die in a fire? No? Well, put a RFID chip in your pants. I’m exaggerating here but, sadly, not really. link
Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders
(NaturalNews) The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. (
Narcolepsy isn't the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and "paralyzing physical collapses," say Finnish researchers.
Remarkably, even though the link between swine flu vaccines and permanent neurological damage in children is now openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), but flu vaccines don't even work! A simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine (
Narcolepsy isn't the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and "paralyzing physical collapses," say Finnish researchers.
Remarkably, even though the link between swine flu vaccines and permanent neurological damage in children is now openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), but flu vaccines don't even work! A simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine (
Viewpoint: Is the alcohol message all wrong?
The effects of alcohol on behaviour are determined by cultural rules and norms, not by the chemical actions of ethanol.
There is enormous cross-cultural variation in the way people behave when they drink alcohol. There are some societies (such as the UK, the US, Australia and parts of Scandinavia) that anthropologists call "ambivalent" drinking-cultures, where drinking is associated with disinhibition, aggression, promiscuity, violence and anti-social behaviour.
There are other societies (such as Latin and Mediterranean cultures in particular, but in fact the vast majority of cultures), where drinking is not associated with these undesirable behaviours - cultures where alcohol is just a morally neutral, normal, integral part of ordinary, everyday life - about on a par with, say, coffee or tea. These are known as "integrated" drinking cultures.
This variation cannot be attributed to different levels of consumption - most integrated drinking cultures have significantly higher per-capita alcohol consumption than the ambivalent drinking cultures. Instead the variation is clearly related to different cultural beliefs about alcohol, different expectations about the effects of alcohol, and different social rules about drunken comportment.
There is enormous cross-cultural variation in the way people behave when they drink alcohol. There are some societies (such as the UK, the US, Australia and parts of Scandinavia) that anthropologists call "ambivalent" drinking-cultures, where drinking is associated with disinhibition, aggression, promiscuity, violence and anti-social behaviour.
There are other societies (such as Latin and Mediterranean cultures in particular, but in fact the vast majority of cultures), where drinking is not associated with these undesirable behaviours - cultures where alcohol is just a morally neutral, normal, integral part of ordinary, everyday life - about on a par with, say, coffee or tea. These are known as "integrated" drinking cultures.
This variation cannot be attributed to different levels of consumption - most integrated drinking cultures have significantly higher per-capita alcohol consumption than the ambivalent drinking cultures. Instead the variation is clearly related to different cultural beliefs about alcohol, different expectations about the effects of alcohol, and different social rules about drunken comportment.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Slavoj Žižek speaks at Occupy Wall Street: Transcript
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click here to view the post.
You Are Still Being Lied To: Howard Zinn’s “Columbus and Western Civilization”
Author’s Note: In the year 1992, the celebration of Columbus Day was different from previous ones in two ways. First, this was the quincentennial, 500 years after Columbus’ landing in this hemisphere. Second, it was a celebration challenged all over the country by people—many of them native Americans but also others—who had “discovered” a Columbus not worth celebrating, and who were rethinking the traditional glorification of “Western civilization.” I gave this talk at the University of Wisconsin in Madison in October 1991. It was published the following year by the Open Magazine Pamphlet Series with the title “Christopher Columbus & the Myth of Human Progress.”
George Orwell, who was a very wise man, wrote: “Who controls the past controls the future. And who controls the present controls the past.” In other words, those who dominate our society are in a position to write our histories. And if they can do that, they can decide our futures. That is why the telling of the Columbus story is important.
Happy 69 Year Old Lady Has Not Used Money For 15 Years
-So in 1996. she took the biggest decision of her life: to live without money. Her children had moved out so she sold the apartment in Dortmund and decided to live nomadically, trading things and services for everything she needed. It was supposed to be a 12-month experiment, but found herself loving it so much that she just couldn’t give it up. 15 years later, she still lives according to the principles of Gib und Nimm, doing various chores for accommodation in the houses of various members of the Tauschring, and loving every minute of it. Schwermer has written two books about her experience of living without money and asked her publisher to give the money to charity so it can make many people happy instead of just one. She’s just happy being healthier and better off than ever before. link
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation
Comment: "Great on many levels. I'm disappointed in the misrepresentation of mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam. These common ancestors lived centuries apart from one another and only represent 2 lines of ancestry. We each have myriad lines of ancestry and are in fact descended from "many" and not two. There is truly no basis to say "The bible was right on this one". That said, we are still all something like 40th cousins, so the general point still stands. I just don't like misrepresentation." - t3tsuyaguy1 1 hour ago Youtube
Monday, October 10, 2011
Conservative Magazine Brags of its Agent Provocateur's Role in Provoking Police Action in D.C. (NEW)
The American Spectator admits to being involved in the precipitation of violence at the Air and Space Museum as a means of discrediting the Occupy Movement.
It has been openly reporting about its "plants" among the protesters and their actions to get certain things to occur. Included in this, today, was the presence of - and central role played by - Patrick Howley, its Assistant Editor, in sparking the police reaction and violence. link
Occupy DC ProtesterS Pepper Sprayed Were Protesting Drone Exhibit At National Air & Space
It has been openly reporting about its "plants" among the protesters and their actions to get certain things to occur. Included in this, today, was the presence of - and central role played by - Patrick Howley, its Assistant Editor, in sparking the police reaction and violence. link
Occupy DC ProtesterS Pepper Sprayed Were Protesting Drone Exhibit At National Air & Space
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists
Dr Glenn Wilson, a consultant psychologist at King's College, London, observed over 500 drinkers in bars last month.
He analysed drinkers' body language and then advised on their openness to being approached.
He has categorised them as the 'Flirt', 'Gossip', 'Fun-Lover', 'Wallflower', 'Ice Queen', 'Playboy', 'Jack the Lad' and 'Browbeater'.
He said the most open to being chatted up were "the flirt, the playboy, and the funlover". Harder to crack are the jack the lad, the ice queen, the wallflower and the gossip. The browbeater should be avoided.
Dr Wilson said: "The simple act of holding a drink displays a lot more about us than we realise – or might want to divulge. link
Bloodied but defiant: 10,000 Greek strikers and police in running battles as debt-ridden country starts a 24-hour walkout
Greeks themselves lack faith in their leaders as polls show nearly four out of five expect the country to default on their massive national debt within months.
'We want this government out. They deceived us. They promised to tax the rich and help the poor, but they didn't,' said Sotiris Pelekanos, 39, an engineer and one of the striking workers gathered in central Athens.
'I don't care if we go bankrupt. We are already bankrupt. It's just a matter of the state realising it. We've lost everything.' link
Breaking - NYPD Fences Off, Pepper Sprays, Beats, Arrests, 200 #OccupyWallStreet Protestors
Today New York’s financial district was filled with a massive crowd of up to 20,000 people protesting against Wall Street on the first march organized with union support.
The protests have been peaceful all day, but now that night has set in there are reports of skirmishes with the police and arrests across the city.
Initial reports, based of NYPD claims, are that a massive crowd is trying to break through the barriers that police have set up to keep protestors from entering Wall Street.
The most high profile incident reported so far today, is one during which the police are reported to have responded to a crowd trying to break through the barricades by pepper spraying the crowd, beating them with batons and fencing them off.
Rumor has it that up to 200 have been arrested so far and a 9 year old was pepper sprayed by the police. Link
Diaspora Means a Brighter Future For All of Us
As promised in that previous post, we want to tell you a little more about why we believe so strongly in Diaspora*’s mission: to build a new and better social web, one that’s 100% owned and controlled by you and other Diasporans.
Diaspora’s distributed design is a huge part of it. Like the Internet itself, Diaspora* isn’t housed in any one place, and it’s not controlled by any one entity (including us). We’ve created software that lets you set up and run your own social network on your own “pod” (or server) and connect your network to the larger Diaspora* ecosystem. You can have a pod all to yourself, or one for just you and your friends, or your family, giving you complete ownership and control over your personal social information (including your identity, your posts, and your photos) and how it’s all stored and shared. Or you can simply request an invite at, or sign up at one of more than 20 open pods.1
Diaspora’s distributed design is a huge part of it. Like the Internet itself, Diaspora* isn’t housed in any one place, and it’s not controlled by any one entity (including us). We’ve created software that lets you set up and run your own social network on your own “pod” (or server) and connect your network to the larger Diaspora* ecosystem. You can have a pod all to yourself, or one for just you and your friends, or your family, giving you complete ownership and control over your personal social information (including your identity, your posts, and your photos) and how it’s all stored and shared. Or you can simply request an invite at, or sign up at one of more than 20 open pods.1
7 Foods Experts Won’t Eat
The Expert: Fredrick vom Saal, PhD, an endocrinologist at the University of Missouri who studies bisphenol-A.
The Situation: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food. Studies show that the BPA in most people’s body exceeds the amount that suppresses sperm production or causes chromosomal damage to the eggs of animals. “You can get 50 mcg of BPA per liter out of a tomato can, and that’s a level that is going to impact people, particularly the young,” says vom Saal. “I won’t go near canned tomatoes.”
The Answer: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings), such as the brands Bionaturae and Coluccio. You can also get several types in Tetra Pak boxes, like Trader Joe’s and Pomi. link
Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets
Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets. At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly discovered that the poor creature was tangled in a fishing net. The humans had to act fast; what began as a tragedy soon became a thrilling rescue as Fishbach and his crew labored to free the young whale. The entire encounter was caught on videotape and later narrated by Fishbach himself. Watch as the whale named Valentina by her rescuers goes from near death to freedom, then rewards her saviours with dozens of magnificent full-body breeches and tail flips.
Indeed, this video has the power to inspire action on behalf of other beings. In ways big and small, each of us can be the one who helps another. Opportunities to be a hero for animals are all around. Where will your compassion take you next? link
Friday, October 7, 2011
Report: 14 Shamans Killed in Loreto Region
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Massive Expansion Of Arctic Ozone Hole
Scientists report that ozone holes of similar size have opened up above the Arctic and Antarctic for the first time. Report from Reuters via the Guardian:
A huge hole that appeared in the Earth’s protective ozone layer above the Arctic in 2011 was the largest recorded in the northern hemisphere, though the sudden appearance of the hole was not due to man-made causes, scientists said in a report on Monday.
A huge hole that appeared in the Earth’s protective ozone layer above the Arctic in 2011 was the largest recorded in the northern hemisphere, though the sudden appearance of the hole was not due to man-made causes, scientists said in a report on Monday.
Cosmic thread that binds us revealed
“The filament of star clusters and small galaxies around the Milky Way is like the umbilical cord that fed our Galaxy during its youth.” link
DNA Sequencing Reveals Startling Recent Human Evolutionary Complexity
DNA sequencing shows that there were four human 'species' living and interbreeding in Europe and Asia 50,000 years ago, as opposed to the two species that were recognized as recently as ten years ago as the only species of the genus Homo. In addition it showed that there was an identifiably separate version of Homo sapiens sapiens living in Australia, who left Africa 70,000 years ago, at least 20,000 years before anyone believed the Homo sapiens exodus had begun. link
Missing planet explains solar system's structure
The solar system once had five giant gaseous planets rather than the four it has today. That's the conclusion from a computer simulation of the solar system's evolution, which suggests the fifth giant was hurled into interstellar space some 4 billion years ago, after a violent encounter with Jupiter.
Astronomers have struggled for decades to explain the solar system's current structure. In particular, Uranus and Neptune couldn't have formed where they are today – the disc of gas that congealed into the planets would have been too thin at the edge of the solar system to account for the ice giants' bulk.
A more likely scenario is that the planets were packed close together when they formed, and only spread out when the disc of gas and dust from which they formed was used up. The tighter orbits of extrasolar planet systems support this idea.
But the great gravitational bullies of the solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, would not have gone quietly to their new homes. Previous simulations show that at least one planet, usually Uranus or Neptune, should have been ejected from the solar system in the shuffle. link
What You Eat Affects Your Genes: RNA from Rice Can Survive Digestion and Alter Gene Expression
What’s the News: It’s no secret that having lunch messes with your biochemistry. Once that sandwich hits your stomach, genes related to digestion have been activated and are causing the production of the many molecules that help break food down. But a new study suggests that the connection between your food’s biochemistry and your own may be more intimate than we thought. Tiny RNAs usually found in plants have been discovered circulating in blood, and animal studies indicate that they are directly manipulating the expression of genes. link
Pesticides found at 50 times safe levels
A new study reveals widespread pesticide contamination of catchments draining into the Great Barrier Reef at levels far higher than previously thought and as much as 50 times the level deemed safe. link
Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Internets
That has led scholars and activists increasingly to consider the Internet's wiring as a disputed political frontier.
For example, one weekend each month, a small group of computer programmers gathers at a residence here to build a homemade Internet—named Project Byzantium—that could go online if parts of the current global Internet becomes blocked by a repressive government. link
Angry Fish Inhabit Most Home Aquariums
Home fish tanks and aquariums may at first appear to be tranquil environments, but look closely and you might see a glaring goldfish or a ticked off tetra. A new study has found that ornamental fish across the U.S. -- all 182.9 million of them -- are at risk of becoming aggressive due to cramped, barren housing.
In other words, fish can turn mean when their home sucks, according to a new study in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. link
In other words, fish can turn mean when their home sucks, according to a new study in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. link
Humanity falls deeper into ecological debt: study
Counting down from January 1, the date when human activity exceeds its budget -- dubbed "Earth Overshoot Day" -- had receded by about three days each year since 2001. link
Video Shows Fish Using Tools - Discovery News
"What the movie shows is very interesting," Bernardi was quoted as saying in a press release. "The animal excavates sand to get the shell out, then swims for a long time to find an appropriate area where it can crack the shell. It requires a lot of forward thinking, because there are a number of steps involved. For a fish, it's a pretty big deal." link
Mercury "Hollows" Found—Pits May Be Solar System First
High-resolution photographs from NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft revealed the shallow, rimless, irregularly shaped depressions—similar to the holes in Swiss cheese—in impact craters all over Mercury.
'Magic Mushroom' Compound Triggered Positive Personality Change in Study
THURSDAY, Sept. 29 (HealthDay News) -- In new research that will almost certainly create controversy, scientists working with the hallucinogen psilocybin -- the active ingredient found in "magic mushrooms" -- have found that a single dose of the drug prompted an enduring but positive personality change in almost 60 percent of patients.
Specifically, tests involving a small group of patients in a strictly controlled and monitored clinical setting revealed that, more often than not, one round of psilocybin exposure successfully boosted an individual's sense of "openness." What's more, the apparent shift in what is deemed to be a key aspect of personality did not dissipate after exposure, lasting at least a year and sometimes longer. link
Specifically, tests involving a small group of patients in a strictly controlled and monitored clinical setting revealed that, more often than not, one round of psilocybin exposure successfully boosted an individual's sense of "openness." What's more, the apparent shift in what is deemed to be a key aspect of personality did not dissipate after exposure, lasting at least a year and sometimes longer. link
It Was A Secret: Read What Cops Reallly Think Of #Occupy Wall Street
"man I LOVE how OC works wonders at clearing a sidewalk!!!
"Those are great, the (s)creaming kids are a hoot. I’m going to watch some more during football breaks. I’d love to see fire hoses employed, it would clean them up and clear the streets and sidewalks for traffic. We’d miss out on the entertainment though."
"Yeah…I love how the chick just falls to her knees and starts screaming! I saw a guy do that when I went through the OC instructors course…it wasnt pretty" link
"man I LOVE how OC works wonders at clearing a sidewalk!!!
"Those are great, the (s)creaming kids are a hoot. I’m going to watch some more during football breaks. I’d love to see fire hoses employed, it would clean them up and clear the streets and sidewalks for traffic. We’d miss out on the entertainment though."
"Yeah…I love how the chick just falls to her knees and starts screaming! I saw a guy do that when I went through the OC instructors course…it wasnt pretty" link
Analysis of Esoteric Iconography used by ‘Anonymous’
The intent of this essay is to analyze the images and symbols used by the group known as “ANONYMOUS” and to understand the implications of the messages encoded within their logos and communications. Anonymous claims to operate without leadership and has been participating in major world-wide political events including the 2009 Iranian Elections and the Occupation of Wall-Street in 2011. Some insiders in “AnonOps,” which provides communications platforms for the group, have issued contrary statements :
A former AnonOps member wrote:
“From the f [-] ing beginning (during the hack at Aiplex which started Operation Payback) there has been an secret club, an aristocracy in AnonOps, deciding how operations will play out in invite-only channels.
It’s obvious, for they control the topic, the hivemind, the guides, every single thing behind the scenes…“ link
A former AnonOps member wrote:
“From the f [-] ing beginning (during the hack at Aiplex which started Operation Payback) there has been an secret club, an aristocracy in AnonOps, deciding how operations will play out in invite-only channels.
It’s obvious, for they control the topic, the hivemind, the guides, every single thing behind the scenes…“ link
Weekend Feature: NASA's Simulation of the Early Universe (Video)
By running the "Bolshoi" simulation code on Pleiades, researchers hope to explain how galaxies and other very large structures in the universe have changed since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. The Bolshoi code took 18 days and millions of hours of computer time split up among more than 160,000 processors to finish running on Pleiades, which is the seventh most powerful supercomputer in the world. The Bolshoi supercomputer simulation, the most accurate and detailed large cosmological simulation run to date, gives physicists and astronomers a powerful new tool for understanding such cosmic mysteries as galaxy formation, dark matter, and dark energy. link
Video: FOX News Meets Intelligent Wall Street Protestor And Doesn't Air It
While media attention to the Occupy Wall Street protests has certainly ramped up, a current of condescension still runs through some of the coverage. Then there are outlets like FOX News, who have no problem showing up and acting weird or selectively editing footage to bolster their agendas. But FOX chose not to run an interview with Wall Street occupier Jesse LaGreca, because he intelligently and succinctly eviscerates the producer's attempts to get him to say something foolish. link
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