Saturday, April 16, 2011

Globalists Positioned to Exploit Japan's Tragedy

One such report by Brookings Institute's Robert Pozen titled, "Japan Can Rebuild on New Economic Foundations" includes calls for Japan to throw its borders open, allowing immigrants to solve their aging population dilemma, reforming its political system to undermine spending in rural Japan, and of course, stimulating economic growth with advances in computer technology, drug discovery, and "financial innovation." Financial innovation is of course creating and marketing new forms of securities (i.e. derivatives.)

The Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) Foreign Affairs magazine article "Tokyo's Turning Point" sees the disaster as an opportunity for Japan to abandon protectionism and embrace the "free-trade" travesty that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is yet another bid to further mire nations in the disastrous interdependency that is dragging economies from the US and across Europe into a speculative debt black-hole brought on by international bankers.   link

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