Saturday, April 23, 2011

Laboratory Beauty vs. Homegrown Beauty

Every morning millions of women wake up and enhance their looks by applying make-up. How many of these women actually know what it is they are rubbing into their skin, lips and around their eyes? For if they knew, would they feel differently about it? Many make-up companies do not list the ingredients on their packaging and if they do, which is rare, have fun identifying what those ingredients are. If you’re curious to know what it is you’re rubbing into your skin and absorbing into your bloodstream, you will find many of those ingredients toxic and extremely harmful to your health, skin and vitality, even in small doses. In the long run, wearing these toxic ingredients will only make your appearance and health worse.  A new study on teenagers and toxic chemicals was released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and it has some very disturbing implications. Laboratory tests revealed that adolescent girls across America are contaminated with chemicals commonly used in cosmetics and body care products. The study of 20 teens found an average of 13 different hormone-altering chemicals in their bodies. Think of what these chemicals can do in women who have been wearing make-up for decades.   link

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