Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients

20,000 mSv Highly targeted dose used in cancer radiotherapy 

Cancer radiotherapy dose is fatal? Okay, so wait a minute. A dose of 10,000 is fatal, yet the cancer industry uses twice that dose to "treat" cancer? I knew cancer radiation treatments were barbaric, but I never knew they were twice the amount considered absolutely fatal.  This outcome was so intriguing that I took a screen capture of the chart. That's what you're seeing at:
The next day, I went back to the website to make sure I really saw what I thought I saw. After all, if cancer radiotherapy is being given at 20,000 mSv, that's a pretty big story, especially in light of the Fukushima fallout and the increasing radiation burden on populations everywhere. So I brought up the website, and guess what?  The 20,000 mSv cancer radiotherapy line had been removed from the chart. You can now see this for yourself at the InformationIsBeautiful website:http://www.informationisbeautiful.n...  Notice anything missing? The 20,000 mSv line has been removed. It now jumps from 10,000 to 30,000.  link

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