Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yeast extract is hidden source of MSG in your food: Here's where its found

(NaturalNews) Just about everyone who visits Natural News knows that MSG should be avoided. But crafty food processing firms have found ways to disguise MSG's most active ingredient -- free glutamate. There are several ingredients and names used. And they all contain some free glutamate. Free glutamate is the active ingredient of mono-sodium glutamate, or MSG. 
Loopholes and Deceptions
A loophole is provided by the legislated labeling laws. It's within a section that says if the free glutamate or glutamic acid is less than 78% of an additive, it doesn't have to be labeled MSG. So if you're getting a flavoring ingredient that's 75% glutamic acid, it can be labeled solely by whatever form in which it appears. Then the MSG term won't be on the label to push concerned consumers away.   Link

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