Saturday, December 17, 2011

Solving the Mona Lisa Mysteries

What if I told you the Mona Lisa is an optical illusion – one painting hidden within another? Well it’s true. And that’s what my first post on this blog is about – and it’s not about the Da Vinci code or theory based on the numbers hidden in her eyes. Since making this discovery months ago, I have been waiting to let the world know of my findings – a secret that has been hiding for five hundred years.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was recently approved by an overwhelming majority of the Senate. It will place domestic terror investigations and interrogations into the hands of the military and which would open the door for trial-free, indefinite detention of anyone, including American citizens, so long as the government calls them terrorists. This law is diametrically opposed to the rights provided by the Constitution and opens the door to an effective police state. Forbes (of all magazines) describes it as the “greatest threat to liberties Americans face”. Here’s an article from The New American describing the law.   link

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood [Full Film]


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weeding out corporate psychopaths

Given the state of the global economy, it might not surprise you to learn that psychopaths may be controlling the world. Not violent criminals, but corporate psychopaths who nonetheless have a genetically inherited biochemical condition that prevents them from feeling normal human empathy.
Scientific research is revealing that 21st century financial institutions with a high rate of turnover and expanding global power have become highly attractive to psychopathic individuals to enrich themselves at the expense of others, and the companies they work for.
A peer-reviewed theoretical paper titled “The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis” details how highly placed psychopaths in the banking sector may have nearly brought down the world economy through their own inherent inability to care about the consequences of their actions. link

The Discovery of Dolphin Language

Researchers in the United States and Great Britain have made a significant breakthrough in deciphering dolphin language in which a series of eight objects have been sonically identified by dolphins. Team leader, Jack Kassewitz of, ‘spoke’ to dolphins with the dolphin’s own sound picture words. Dolphins in two separate research centers understood the words, presenting convincing evidence that dolphins employ a universal “sono-pictorial” language of communication.
The team was able to teach the dolphins simple and complex sentences involving nouns and verbs, revealing that dolphins comprehend elements of human language, as well as having a complex visual language of their own. link

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer.

--- According to Michio and Aveline Kushi, in his book Macrobiotic Diet, Michio Kushi states: ‘At the time of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D., was director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the radioactivity that had been released. Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet of brown rice, miso* and tamari soy sauce soup, wakame and other sea vegetables, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets. As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors in the city perished from radiation sickness.’”
In case you missed it the secret to surviving all forms of radiation exposure is sea salt. If you are concerned about the radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear plants disaster or if you had an X-ray (from hospitals and airport screening) or radiation treatments for cancer, soak your body in sea salt (not iodized table salt) baths to help pull out the radiation from your body.
If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.
Baking soda is so powerful in curing radiation contamination that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples.  Still not convinced?  Would it help to know that the United States Army recommends the use of baking soda to protect the kidneys from radiation damage.   link

Colorado School Board Sells Advertising on Report Cards

In need of new revenues because of budget cuts, a Colorado school district has approved the printing of advertisements on student report cards.  The Jefferson County School District, west of Denver, will receive $90,000 over three years for running a two-inch ad in elementary students’ grade notices that promotes CollegeInvest, a state-run program that administers college savings programs.  link

Can Fetus Sense Mother's Psychological State? Study Suggests Yes

ScienceDaily (Nov. 10, 2011) — As a fetus grows, it's constantly getting messages from its mother. It's not just hearing her heartbeat and whatever music she might play to her belly; it also gets chemical signals through the placenta. A new study, which will be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that this includes signals about the mother's mental state. If the mother is depressed, that affects how the baby develops after it's born. In recent decades, researchers have found that the environment a fetus is growing up in -- the mother's womb -- is very important. Some effects are obvious. Smoking and drinking, for example, can be devastating. But others are subtler; studies have found that people who were born during the Dutch famine of 1944, most of whom had starving mothers, were likely to have health problems like obesity and diabetes later.   link

Entoptic Imagery and Altered States of Consciousness

Entoptic images are visual effects which originate within the visual processing system of the observer.  The term ‘entoptic’ comes from the Greek for ‘within vision’, indicating that the images come from anywhere within the optic system, between the eye itself and the neural cortex where signals from the optic nerve are interpreted.  Since it originates within the visual system, entoptic imagery can only be seen by the observer.
Types of Entopic Images
There are a variety of types of entoptic images which originate in different parts of the visual system.  Some of the most well understood entoptic effects originate within the eyeball itself.  These include floaters, which are formations of protein clumps in the vitreous gel of the eyeball that can be seen when looking at a bright, blank background such as the sky;  Read more:

EN - UFO At NFL Game: TV Camera Captures Strange Object In Flight During Broadcast

For many football fans who watched the New Orleans Saints rout the Indianapolis Colts on Oct. 23, the most unusual thing about the game was the lopsided final score of 62-7. But for UFO aficionados and paranormal experts who tuned in, they may have seen something in the sky that was even more out-of-the-ordinary than the tossing of more touchdowns vs. incompletions. As NBC's cameras returned from a commercial break and focused on the historic, triple-steepled St. Louis Cathedral in the city nicknamed the Big Easy, a couple of lit objects seemed to streak across the darkening sky -- and they've yet to be definitively identified.  link

Seals use incredible navigation skills to return to site where they were born

The Antarctic fur seals' remarkable homing instinct, which is thought to be the most accurate of any sea mammal, allows the creatures to return to within a single body length of the spot where they were born to give birth to their own pups.
Nearly four million of the sea mammals breed in huge colonies on the virtually featureless beaches of South Georgia every year. After being born, the seals spend five years out at sea feeding before returning to the island to breed.
Using radio tags placed on 335 seals shortly after they were born, researchers at the British Antarctic Survey have discovered that each seal returns to exactly the same location on the beach once they start breeding year after year.
But while typical human Global Positioning Systems (GPS), which use satellites orbiting the earth, can pinpoint a location to an accuracy of around 15 feet, the seals were found to be accurate down to as little as six feet.  link   

Oldest rock art in Egypt discovered

Using a new technology known as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), a team of Belgian scientists and Professor John Coleman Darnell of Yale have determined that Egyptian petroglyphs found at the east bank of the Nile are about 15,000 years old, making them the oldest rock art in Egypt and possibly the earliest known graphic record in North Africa.
The dating results will be published in the December issue of Antiquity (Vol. 85 Issue 330, pp. 1184–1193).
The site of the rock art panels is near the modern village of Qurta, about 40km south of the Upper-Egyptian town of Edfu. First seen by Canadian archaeologists in the early 1960s, they were subsequently forgotten and relocated by the Belgian mission in 2005. The rediscovery was announced in the Project Gallery of Antiquity in 2007.
The rock art at Qurta is characterized by hammered and incised naturalistic-style images of aurochs and other wild animals. On the basis of their intrinsic characteristics (subject matter, technique, and style), their patina and degree of weathering, as well as the archaeological and geomorphological context, these petroglyphs have been attributed to the late Pleistocene era, specifically to the late Palaeolithic period (roughly 23,000 to 11,000 ago). This makes them more or less contemporary with European art from the last Ice Age — such as the wall-paintings of Lascaux and Altamira caves.   link

Copenhagen votes to legalise marijuana

The scheme, if approved by the Danish parliament at the start of next year, could make the city the first to fully legalise, rather than simply tolerate, marijuana consumption.
The drug is already sold openly on the streets of Christiania, a self-proclaimed 'free town' in the city centre, despite the closure of the neighbourhood's Amsterdam-style coffee shops in 2004.
But marijuana has never been officially decriminalised and those caught in possession of even small amounts face fines of up to £450.  link

DEA to legalize marijuana chemical for Big Pharma but keep it a crime for everyone else

(NaturalNews) Have no illusions about the true nature of the so-called "War on Drugs" and the actions of the DEA. The War on Drugs has always been about protecting the profits of the drug companies which have a long and well-documented history of copying street drugs, repackaging them as "medications" and selling them to children as FDA-approved drugs (see below).

Today, yet another example emerges as the DEA moves to legalize THC in Big Pharma's pills while simultaneously making it illegal for anyone else to grow, sell or possess THC. The DEA, you see, is working to change the classification of THC from a schedule I substance (like street heroin) to a schedule III drug (pharmaceuticals). So if Big Pharma grows its own marijuana plants, extracts the THC and puts it into a "pot pill," those pills will be perfectly legal. They're already FDA approved, actually, when made with the synthetic version of THC.   Learn more:

UC Davis Professor Demands Chancellor Resign Over Pepper Spraying Of Students

Editor’s Note 11.20.11: Please read today’s “UC Davis Pepper Spray Attack Of Students By Police: What Questions Do We Need Answered?,” and note that we have an exclusive interview with one of the UC Davis protestors which we’re working on getting up ASAP, so be sure to come back for her excellent and detailed observations, which absolutely refute what university officials have been telling the school and the media.
A UC Davis Assistant Professor is demanding the immediate resignation of the University’s Chancellor over Friday’s pepper spraying of unarmed, non-​violent students who were passively sitting on the ground while in the midst of an Occupy Wall Street protest.   Read More:

Colossal Storm Rages Over Saturn’s Surface

First appearing as a tiny blemish on Dec. 5, 2010, the storm is still going strong today, surpassing the ringed giant's previous longest tempest, which lasted 150 days back in 1903. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn, has given astronomers a front-seat view of this enormous maelstrom and provided valuable data.
From its humble beginnings, the storm has grown to engulf the entire area between Saturn’s 30th and 51st north latitudes. From north to south, the tempest stretches about 9,000 miles — greater than diameter of the Earth — and covers two billion square miles, or eight times the surface area of our planet.  link 

Pizza a vegetable, says US Government

The US House of Representatives dealt a blow to childhood obesity warriors on Thursday (Friday NZT) by passing a bill that abandons proposals that threatened to end the reign of pizza and French fries on federally funded school lunch menus.

The scuttled changes, which would have stripped pizza's status as a vegetable and limited how often French fries could be served, stemmed from a 2010 child nutrition law calling on schools to improve the nutritional quality of lunches served to almost 32 million US school children.  link

Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports

The European Union on Monday prohibited the use of X-ray body scanners in European airports, parting ways with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, which has deployed hundreds of the scanners as a way to screen millions of airline passengers for explosives hidden under clothing.

The European Commission, which enforces common policies of the EU's 27 member countries, adopted the rule “in order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety.”   link

Teenage video game players have brains 'like gambling addicts'

Teenagers who spend hours playing video games may have a similar brain structure to gambling addicts, research suggests.
In a study of 14-year-olds, those who played frequently had a larger ‘reward centre’ in their brains than those who played less often.
Brain scans showed those who played for more than nine hours a week produced more of the ‘feel-good’ chemical dopamine.  Read more:

Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert? (Update 3)

This is crazy. New photos have appeared in Google Maps showing unidentified titanic structures in the middle of the Chinese desert. The first one is an intricate network of what appears to be huge metallic stripes. Is this a military experiment?  link

The Internet Looks Like a Fractal Dandelion

In 2004 Barrett Lyon’s friends bet him $50 that he couldn’t map the entire Internet in a day. Within two weeks the self-described technologist and entrepreneur had created a program that could output a detailed visualization of Internet connectivity in a few hours. Seven years and billions more Internet-connected devices later, Lyon is still at it. This cosmic-looking image, one of his newest creations, traces the millions of routes along which data can travel and pinpoints the hubs receiving the most traffic. Internet giants such as AT&T and Google manage the most heavily used networks, which appear here as glowing yellow orbs; they tend to concentrate in the center of the sphere. The less popular local networks (red) sit on the periphery. Although Lyon’s visualizations have appeared in computing textbooks and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, he says he has yet to collect on his bet.   link

Solar System May Have Lost Fifth Giant Planet

Astronomer David Nesvorny from the Southwest Research Institute in Texas believes that the solar system might have once contained a fifth gigantic planet, which was ejected deep into the galaxy in a moment of cosmic turmoil. By looking at the population of the Kuiper belt — the icy-cold ring of asteroids beyond Neptune — and by studying the historical fingerprints left on the craters of the Moon, Nesvorny was able to piece together clues about our solar system’s adolescence. He found that a dynamic instability, which occurred about 600 million years into the solar system’s life, greatly affected the orbit of our giant planets and scattered smaller bodies. Some moved into the Kuiper belt and others traveled inwards, marking their course as impacts on the Moon and planets.   link

Magnificent Visions - Vanity Fair

In Amazonian Peru, the author traces the source of the powerful Stone Age botanical hallucinogen ayahuasca. He meets crying shamans, drunken shamans, and even a gringo shaman, and learns about the epic quest it inspired in one devotee. Then he takes the ultimate step: drinking it himself. Whoa. . .  link

Extra Giant Planet May Have Dwelled in Our Solar System

Within our solar system, an extra giant planet, or possibly two, might once have accompanied Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.
Computer models showing how our solar system formed suggested the planets once gravitationally slung one another across space, only settling into their current orbits over the course of billions of years.  link

Rising from beneath the waves: A new Canary Island emerges as underwater volcano hits the surface

A brand new Canary island is emerging from the sea as an underwater volcano bubbles to the surface.
Magma off the Canary Island of El Hierro has been spewing 20 metres high as the sea boils with a smell of sulphur.
As it grows and gets closer to the surface, more and more debris such as stones start to shoot out of the volcano which, until now, has only shown its explosive power below the surface.
It is now just 70 metres from the surface and islanders are already trying to come up with a name for the new island. It is quite close to El Hierro and if it continues to erupt it could eventually meet up with the mainland.  Read more:

Mobile phones could be 'health time bomb': More than 200 academic studies link use with serious illnesses

Mobile phones could be a 'health time bomb', say experts who are urging ministers to warn the public.

More than 200 academic studies link use of the devices with serious health conditions such as brain tumours, according to a group of leading scientists.

In a report published yesterday, they say the Government is underplaying the potentially 'enormous' health risks – especially for children, whose smaller, thinner skulls are more susceptible to radiation. link

B.C. doctor ordered to stop anti-addiction tea use

The B.C. doctor who allowed a film crew to document his use of a traditional Amazonian tea to help drug addicts has been ordered to end the treatments.
Dr. Gabor Maté was using ayahuasca, which induces a trance that unlocks painful memories to help drug addicts end their addictive behaviour.   link

Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn't Honey Ultra-filtering Removes Pollen, Hides Honey Origins

More than three-fourths of the honey sold in U.S. grocery stores isn't exactly what the bees produce, according to testing done exclusively for Food Safety News.

The results show that the pollen frequently has been filtered out of products labeled "honey."
The removal of these microscopic particles from deep within a flower would make the nectar flunk the quality standards set by most of the world's food safety agencies.

The food safety divisions of the  World Health Organization, the European Commission and dozens of others also have ruled that without pollen there is no way to determine whether the honey came from legitimate and safe sources.  link

Hubble directly observes a black hole accretion disk | TG Daily

A new technique to study the bright disc of matter surrounding a distant black hole is as precise as spotting individual grains of sand on the surface of the moon.  Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, combined with the gravitational lensing effect of stars in a distant galaxy, an international team of astronomers measured the disc's size and studied the colors - and hence the temperatures - of different parts of the disc. Hubble directly observes a black hole accretion disk | TG Daily

Monday, November 21, 2011

EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration

EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact.
Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict, which comes into force in the UK next month.
Last night, critics claimed the EU was at odds with both science and common sense. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: “This is stupidity writ large.
“The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly-paid, highly-pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.
“If ever there were an episode which demonstrates the folly of the great European project then this is it.”  link

The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence

The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence

Walter Russell - The Leonardo Da Vinci of the 20th Century

Walter Russell - The Leonardo Da Vinci of the 20th Century

Walter Bowman Russell (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963) was an American artist and mystic known for his achievements as a painter, sculptor, author and builder and less well known as a natural philosopher and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony. He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books The Secret of Light (1947) and The Message of the Divine Iliad (1948–49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists.

Russell asserted that this was mainly due to a difference in the assumptions made about the existence of mind and matter; Russell assumes the existence of mind as cause while he believes that scientists in general assume the existence of mind as effect. Russell was also proficient in philosophy, music, ice skating, and was a professor at the institution he founded, the University of Science and Philosophy. He believed mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed. The content of his public lectures and his writing about living philosophy place him firmly in the New Thought Movement.

In 1963, Walter Cronkite in the national television evening news, commenting on Dr. Walter Russell‘s death, referred to him as "... the Leonardo da Vinci of our time." After Walter Russell died (which the Russells referred to as being "refolded"), his wife Lao Russell kept USP going successfully until she herself died in 1988.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Living in fear can be deadly, dragonfly study shows

Stress can kill on a dramatic scale, according to a new study of immature dragonflies forced to live next to scary predators. In a newly published study, dragonfly larvae living within sight and smell of a predators such as fish had 2.5 to 4.3 times higher mortality than dragonfly larvae living in a predator-free environment — even though the dragonfly larvae were protected by a cage and could never be eaten by the predators.   link 

Concerns Are Raised About Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes

These mosquitoes are genetically engineered to kill — their own children.
Researchers on Sunday reported initial signs of success from the first release into the environment of mosquitoes engineered to pass a lethal gene to their offspring, killing them before they reach adulthood. The results, and other work elsewhere, could herald an age in which genetically modified insects will be used to help control agricultural pests and insect-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria. But the research is arousing concern about possible unintended effects on public health and the environment, because once genetically modified insects are released, they cannot be recalled.   link

Seeds Are The Key to a GMO-Free Food Future

A single food seed can be as tiny as a grain of sand. Yet many say the fate of the entire organic industry rests upon our efforts to protect the integrity of these small, but vital agricultural inputs.
“Seed is the first resource in our food production chain, so its integrity is vital to the success of organic farmers. Yet little has been done to address the issue of genetic contamination,” says Kristina Hubbard, director of advocacy for the Organic Seed Alliance. “I don’t think seed is getting enough attention.”
As the natural foods industry gears up for an unprecedented assault on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), much emphasis has been placed on convincing government to label foods containing GMOs and on swaying grocers and manufacturers to rid them from the retail shelf. But Hubbard and others say those actions will mean little if farmers can’t find clean, GMO-free seed to plant in the first place.   link

Brain gene activity changes through life

Human brains all work pretty much the same and use roughly the same genes in the same way to build and maintain the infrastructure that makes people who they are, two new studies show. And by charting the brain’s genetic activity from before birth to old age, the studies reveal that the brain continually remodels itself in predictable ways throughout life.   link

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?

In what is obviously a muscle flexing exercise meant to show the public just how much power and control the federal government really has, all communications will be cut off for an estimated three minutes on November 9th, 2011.
Claiming this is a test of the emergency response system, the terror alert system, and any other excuse they can come up with, Fema (that would be the same FEMA in charge of those camps they deny exist) will conduct a complete communications shutdown: all TV, radio, internet, and phone systems will be disabled simultaneously. This will be at 1:00 CST.
I am trying to figure out what kind of national emergency would require cutting all communications, broadcasts and internet use?  Maybe an emergency in which the government itself feels threatened by …….the people?  If this were a test to make sure the system was intact in the event of an emergency I could understand it.  But that isn’t what this is.  This is a test meant to ensure that the apparatus is in place and operational in the event the government wants to prevent communication between citizens: this is a test to make sure they CAN shut it all down if they choose to.  link

Scientists crack mysterious "Copiale Cipher"

Some people will go to any length to read a book. Kevin Knight, a senior research scientist and fellow at the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California (USC), was intrigued by an 18th century document known as The Copiale Cipher. He was curious about it because no one can read it.

Named for one of just two non-coded inscriptions in the document, this mysterious manuscript is 105 pages long and is bound in gold and green brocade paper. The manuscript consists of roughly 75,000 characters.    link

Can crows read?

Can Crows Read?
Crows can recognise and ascribe numerical meaning to symbols, a new study shows, suggesting that the unusually intelligent birds may be able to “read” numbers and simple icons.
Crows are known for their extraordinarily good memories, tool-making skills and ability to discern minute subtleties in judging a threat level. It was reported earlier this year that the US military considered using crows to help track down al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
In the latest edition of the journal Animal Behaviour, Japanese researchers describe an experiment in which eight jungle crows were presented with two containers, one with “2” written on the lid and one with “5”. The “5” container had food inside, while the “2” did not. The crows soon learned to pick the “5” container at a 70% success rate.   [the Conversation] link

6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think. [Cracked - Feb 28 2011] link

Hawaii astronomer captures image of forming planet

HONOLULU (AP) — Astronomers have captured the first direct image of a planet being born.
Adam Kraus, of the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy, said the planet is being formed out of dust and gas circling a 2-milion-year-old star about 450 light years from Earth.
The planet itself, based on scientific models of how planets form, is estimated to have started taking shape about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Called LkCa 15 b, it's the youngest planet ever observed. The previous record holder was about five times older.  link

Dangerous Toxins From Genetically Modified Plants Found in Women & Fetuses

When U.S. regulators approved Monsanto’s genetically modified “Bt” corn, they knew it would add a deadly poison into our food supply. That’s what it was designed to do. The corn’s DNA is equipped with a gene from soil bacteria called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) that produces the Bt-toxin. It’s a pesticide; it breaks open the stomach of certain insects and kills them.
But Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) swore up and down that it was only insects that would be hurt. The Bt-toxin, they claimed, would be completely destroyed in the human digestive system and not have any impact on all of us trusting corn-eating consumers.
Oops. A study just proved them wrong.
Doctors at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec found the corn’s Bt-toxin in the blood of pregnant women and their babies, as well as in non-pregnant women.(i) (Specifically, the toxin was identified in 93% of 30 pregnant women, 80% of umbilical blood in their babies, and 67% of 39 non-pregnant women.) The study has been accepted for publication in the peer reviewed journal Reproductive Toxicology.
According to the UK Daily Mail, this study, which “appears to blow a hole in” safety claims, “has triggered calls for a ban on imports and a total overhaul of the safety regime for genetically modified (GM) crops and food.” Organizations from England to New Zealand are now calling for investigations and for GM crops to be halted due to the serious implications of this finding.   link

Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now marching straight into the globalist trap

It was inevitable that a movement which has struggled to agree on a manifesto, would in the end, do the bidding of the very elite globalist powers that they are demonstrating against to begin with. Instead of achieving freedom from Central Bank debt enslavement, naive Occupiers appear to have taken the bait, pulling the mob towards endorsing a global taxation system, and one to be administered… by a brand new global government body. As the Occupy Movement sets its sights on the upcoming G20 Summit in France on November 3-4, its globalist handlers behind the scenes have succeeded in carefully directing its crowds towards the Holy Grail of all socialist super-states - the celebrity supported, trendy “Robin Hood Tax”, also known as a Tobin Tax, a financial transaction tax levied on all transactions involving shares, bonds and derivatives. It’s likely that such a blanket tax will eventually end up on the end of things like cash withdrawls and the like.
Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now marching straight into the globalist trap

Vatican Calls for “Central World Bank” Oct 24, 2011

The Vatican has called for a “global public authority” and a world central bank to rule over financial affairs in the wake of the engineered economic collapse. A document released by the Vatican’s Justice and Peace department “should be music to the ears of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn,” according to CNBCRead More:

'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead Unearthed documents reveal new deaths from 'mandated' shot Read more: 'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead

Gardasil, the controversial drug that took the early Republican presidential debates by storm, is back in the news as newly unearthed documents reveal 26 additional deaths associated with the shot designed to help prevent young women from getting a sexually transmitted disease that can lead to cervical cancer.
The public-interest group Judicial Watch has obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act from the Food and Drug Administration detailing reports of harmful reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus, also known as HPV.
"The adverse-reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between Sept. 1, 2010, and Sept. 15, 2011, as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome," Judicial Watch said.

Engdahl: Arab Spring a western ploy to control Eurasia

The Geomagnetic Storm at Perry Lake, Kansas

Saturday, October 22, 2011

300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain

Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.
The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.
Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal.
Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.

Read more:

Friday, October 21, 2011

The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade - Video / James Corbett

Just as the British Empire was in part financed by their control of the opium trade through the British East India Company, so too has the CIA been found time after time to be at the heart of the modern international drug trade. From its very inception, the CIA has been embroiled in the murky underworld of drug trafficking.
There are billions of dollars per year to be made in keeping the drug trade going, and it has long been established that Wall Street and the major American banks rely on drug money as a ready source of liquid capital. With those kinds of funds at stake, it is unsurprising to see a media-government-banking nexus develop around the status quo of a never-ending war on drugs – aided, abetted and facilitated by the modern-day British East India Company, the CIA.
This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting the history, documented facts, and cases on the CIA’s involvement and operations in the underworld of drug trafficking, from the Corsican Mafia in the 1940s through the 1980s Contras to the recent Zambada Niebla Case today.
The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade

Please listen to the plight of Fukushima people left behind by their own...

Fukushima children forced to drink radioactive milk at school

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/18

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS w/ Occu...

Move On Tries to Take Over Occupy Wall Street Protests

Move On Tries to Take Over Occupy Wall Street Protests


Bank of America refuses to let customers close accounts

Occupy Santa Cruz - Bank of America refusing to close account

UNGRIP (Full Length Movie)

From the creators of Esoteric Agenda ( and Kymatica (, UNGRIP penetrates the illusions and delusions of the legal system with direct relation to the psychology of humanity.

Inspired by the story of rob in the pagé family, as well as clips of Bruce Lipton, PHD and Ben: Stewart.

Talismanic Idols Productions (
Hanged Man Project (
Conscious Self Governance (

Birke Baehr: An 11-Year-Old's Early Onset Wisdom

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Occupy Wall Street - Chris Hedges shuts down CBC Kevin O'Leary

NATO Crimes and Mainstream Media Lies in Libya Exposed

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Zombie training? OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis 'one voice' weirdness

OWS’s new People’s Microphone is quite simply a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) application or technique. Its consensus arrival method, also known as “call-and-return”, has now become the audio device of choice- spreading across the country as quickly as the protests themselves.
Crowd participants slowly repeat each phrase the leading speaker is saying to them, with a series of hand signs used to provide the speaker and the group with feedback.
To the casual observer, this new system of communication may appear as compelling, as it is metaphoric. It might also remind you of the infamous ‘pass the conch’ scene from the  Nobel Prize-winning novel by William Golding, Lord of the Flies
It is a very slow and tedious process, often resulting in very few actual issues being fleshed out. In most cases, it takes triple the amount of time to convey the same amount of information that a normal speaker would accomplish by talking directly to the audience. But this can only be done when the group is forced to repeat the words of the speaker, so the speaker is forced to talk slowly, using fewer words at once. In this way, it is also a mesmerizing and extremely hypnotic group communication tool.
In this way, such NLP methods can also be used to promote ‘group-think’ and could be described as collectivist mind control education at its very finest.

Surprisingly Earth-like features revealed on Saturn's moon

After meticulously stitching together images that were gathered over six years by a NASA spacecraft in orbit around Saturn, astronomers have created a global map of the surface of Titan, the ringed planet's largest moon, and it features some surprisingly Earth-like geological features.
An international team of astronomers, led by the University of Nantes in France, created the striking mosaic of Titan's surface using infrared images taken by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft.  Link

Venus springs ozone layer surprise

Venus springs ozone layer surprise

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

Here’s an article from the BBC that (enthusiastically) announces the insertion of RFID chips in many everyday products like jeans, foods or cars, allowing the constant monitoring of pretty much everything. Sure, the article “addresses” privacy concerns (mostly downplays them) but it mainly sells RFIDs with arguments like “it could save the lives of old people stuck in a building on fire”. Most people find that inserting computer chips that can connect to the internet with personal data completely useless and, frankly, creepy. Despite this fact, there is a huge push to promote these chips and to sell them to the public.
So, here’s what the article says: Do you want old people to die in a fire? No? Well, put a RFID chip in your pants. I’m exaggerating here but, sadly, not really.   link

Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders

(NaturalNews) The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. (

Narcolepsy isn't the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and "paralyzing physical collapses," say Finnish researchers.

Remarkably, even though the link between swine flu vaccines and permanent neurological damage in children is now openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), but flu vaccines don't even work! A simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine (

BPA levels in humans far higher than previously thought

BPA levels in humans far higher than previously thought

Viewpoint: Is the alcohol message all wrong?

The effects of alcohol on behaviour are determined by cultural rules and norms, not by the chemical actions of ethanol.
There is enormous cross-cultural variation in the way people behave when they drink alcohol. There are some societies (such as the UK, the US, Australia and parts of Scandinavia) that anthropologists call "ambivalent" drinking-cultures, where drinking is associated with disinhibition, aggression, promiscuity, violence and anti-social behaviour.
There are other societies (such as Latin and Mediterranean cultures in particular, but in fact the vast majority of cultures), where drinking is not associated with these undesirable behaviours - cultures where alcohol is just a morally neutral, normal, integral part of ordinary, everyday life - about on a par with, say, coffee or tea. These are known as "integrated" drinking cultures.
This variation cannot be attributed to different levels of consumption - most integrated drinking cultures have significantly higher per-capita alcohol consumption than the ambivalent drinking cultures. Instead the variation is clearly related to different cultural beliefs about alcohol, different expectations about the effects of alcohol, and different social rules about drunken comportment.

Nigel Farage: United States of Europe insane politics

The Love Police

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Slavoj Žižek speaks at Occupy Wall Street: Transcript

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You Are Still Being Lied To: Howard Zinn’s “Columbus and Western Civilization”

The following is an excerpt of “Columbus and Western Civilization” written by Howard Zinn that appears in the Disinformation anthology You Are Still Being Lied To edited by Russ Kick.
Author’s Note: In the year 1992, the celebration of Columbus Day was different from previous ones in two ways. First, this was the quincentennial, 500 years after Columbus’ landing in this hemisphere. Second, it was a celebration challenged all over the country by people—many of them native Americans but also others—who had “discovered” a Columbus not worth celebrating, and who were rethinking the traditional glorification of “Western civilization.” I gave this talk at the University of Wisconsin in Madison in October 1991. It was published the following year by the Open Magazine Pamphlet Series with the title “Christopher Columbus & the Myth of Human Progress.”
George Orwell, who was a very wise man, wrote: “Who controls the past controls the future. And who controls the present controls the past.” In other words, those who dominate our society are in a position to write our histories. And if they can do that, they can decide our futures. That is why the telling of the Columbus story is important.  

Happy 69 Year Old Lady Has Not Used Money For 15 Years

-So in 1996. she took the biggest decision of her life: to live without money. Her children had moved out so she sold the apartment in Dortmund and decided to live nomadically, trading things and services for everything she needed. It was supposed to be a 12-month experiment, but found herself loving it so much that she just couldn’t give it up. 15 years later, she still lives according to the principles of Gib und Nimm, doing various chores for accommodation in the houses of various members of the Tauschring, and loving every minute of it. Schwermer has written two books about her experience of living without money and asked her publisher to give the money to charity so it can make many people happy instead of just one. She’s just happy being healthier and better off than ever before. link

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation

Comment: "Great on many levels. I'm disappointed in the misrepresentation of mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam. These common ancestors lived centuries apart from one another and only represent 2 lines of ancestry. We each have myriad lines of ancestry and are in fact descended from "many" and not two. There is truly no basis to say "The bible was right on this one". That said, we are still all something like 40th cousins, so the general point still stands. I just don't like misrepresentation." - t3tsuyaguy1 1 hour ago Youtube

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bob by Jacob Frey

BOB from Jacob Frey on Vimeo.
Make sure to watch the film past the credits, enjoy!

Conservative Magazine Brags of its Agent Provocateur's Role in Provoking Police Action in D.C. (NEW)

The American Spectator admits to being involved in the precipitation of violence at the Air and Space Museum as a means of discrediting the Occupy Movement.
It has been openly reporting about its "plants" among the protesters and their actions to get certain things to occur.  Included in this, today, was the presence of - and central role played by -  Patrick Howley, its Assistant Editor, in sparking the police reaction and violence.   link

Occupy DC ProtesterS Pepper Sprayed Were Protesting Drone Exhibit At National Air & Space

FOX NEWS LIES! FOX NEWS LIES! Geraldo Driven Out Of Occupy Wall Street P...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists

All revellers fall into one of eight different personality types which are given away by their drinking techniques, a leading psychologist has concluded.
Dr Glenn Wilson, a consultant psychologist at King's College, London, observed over 500 drinkers in bars last month.
He analysed drinkers' body language and then advised on their openness to being approached.
He has categorised them as the 'Flirt', 'Gossip', 'Fun-Lover', 'Wallflower', 'Ice Queen', 'Playboy', 'Jack the Lad' and 'Browbeater'.
He said the most open to being chatted up were "the flirt, the playboy, and the funlover". Harder to crack are the jack the lad, the ice queen, the wallflower and the gossip. The browbeater should be avoided.
Dr Wilson said: "The simple act of holding a drink displays a lot more about us than we realise – or might want to divulge.   link

"Permaculture: The Growing Edge" Paul Stamets


Bloodied but defiant: 10,000 Greek strikers and police in running battles as debt-ridden country starts a 24-hour walkout

Despite the cuts demanded by the EU and the IMF, the government was forced to announce this week it would still miss its 2011 deficit target by nearly 2 billion euros, rattling global markets.
Greeks themselves lack faith in their leaders as polls show nearly four out of five expect the country to default on their massive national debt within months.
'We want this government out. They deceived us. They promised to tax the rich and help the poor, but they didn't,' said Sotiris Pelekanos, 39, an engineer and one of the striking workers gathered in central Athens.
'I don't care if we go bankrupt. We are already bankrupt. It's just a matter of the state realising it. We've lost everything.'  link 

Virtual Field Visit: Impact of the Annexation Wall

Breaking - NYPD Fences Off, Pepper Sprays, Beats, Arrests, 200 #OccupyWallStreet Protestors

Today New York’s financial district was filled with a massive crowd of up to 20,000 people protesting against Wall Street on the first march organized with union support.
The protests have been peaceful all day, but now that night has set in there are reports of skirmishes with the police and arrests across the city.
Initial reports, based of NYPD claims, are that a massive crowd is trying to break through the barriers that police have set up to keep protestors from entering Wall Street.
The most high profile incident reported so far today, is one during which the police are reported to have responded to a crowd trying to break through the barricades by pepper spraying the crowd, beating them with batons and fencing them off.
Rumor has it that up to 200 have been arrested so far and a 9 year old was pepper sprayed by the police. Link 

Diaspora Means a Brighter Future For All of Us

As promised in that previous post, we want to tell you a little more about why we believe so strongly in Diaspora*’s mission: to build a new and better social web, one that’s 100% owned and controlled by you and other Diasporans.
Diaspora’s distributed design is a huge part of it. Like the Internet itself, Diaspora* isn’t housed in any one place, and it’s not controlled by any one entity (including us). We’ve created software that lets you set up and run your own social network on your own “pod” (or server) and connect your network to the larger Diaspora* ecosystem. You can have a pod all to yourself, or one for just you and your friends, or your family, giving you complete ownership and control over your personal social information (including your identity, your posts, and your photos) and how it’s all stored and shared. Or you can simply request an invite at, or sign up at one of more than 20 open pods.1

7 Foods Experts Won’t Eat

1. Canned Tomatoes 
The Expert: Fredrick vom Saal, PhD, an endocrinologist at the University of Missouri who studies bisphenol-A.
The Situation: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food. Studies show that the BPA in most people’s body exceeds the amount that suppresses sperm production or causes chromosomal damage to the eggs of animals. “You can get 50 mcg of BPA per liter out of a tomato can, and that’s a level that is going to impact people, particularly the young,” says vom Saal. “I won’t go near canned tomatoes.”
The Answer: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings), such as the brands Bionaturae and Coluccio. You can also get several types in Tetra Pak boxes, like Trader Joe’s and Pomi.   link

The Known Universe by AMNH

How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres.

link: Wake Up World

Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets. At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly discovered that the poor creature was tangled in a fishing net. The humans had to act fast; what began as a tragedy soon became a thrilling rescue as Fishbach and his crew labored to free the young whale. The entire encounter was caught on videotape and later narrated by Fishbach himself. Watch as the whale named Valentina by her rescuers goes from near death to freedom, then rewards her saviours with dozens of magnificent full-body breeches and tail flips.
Indeed, this video has the power to inspire action on behalf of other beings. In ways big and small, each of us can be the one who helps another. Opportunities to be a hero for animals are all around. Where will your compassion take you next? link

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Joe Rogan Experience with Graham Hancock, podast #142

Report: 14 Shamans Killed in Loreto Region

We have just learned that over the last 20 months, 14 shamans have been murdered in Peru's northeastern jungle region of Loreto.
According to the newspaper La República: The provincial prosecutor's office said that the murders were allegedly ordered by the mayor of Balsa Puerto, Alfredo Torres, and carried out by his brother, Augusto, locally known as "the witch hunter."  Only seven bodies have been found, however - either shot, stabbed or hacked with machetes. The seven other shamans have been reported missing. Roger Rumrrill, a leading researcher on Amazonian issues, said the murders are related to "protestant sects" that Torres and his brother belong to, the daily said. "For these protestant sects, the shamans are people possessed by demons, so they have to be killed," Rumrrill said. More details from the Peruvian Times.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Massive Expansion Of Arctic Ozone Hole

Scientists report that ozone holes of similar size have opened up above the Arctic and Antarctic for the first time. Report from Reuters via the Guardian:
A huge hole that appeared in the Earth’s protective ozone layer above the Arctic in 2011 was the largest recorded in the northern hemisphere, though the sudden appearance of the hole was not due to man-made causes, scientists said in a report on Monday.

TV news interrupted as protests continue in Greece

Occupying Wall Street and Now Publishing Too

Occupying Wall Street and Now Publishing Too

New York Times Alters Its Lead Story About Protests

New York Times Alters Its Lead Story About Protests

JP Morgan Chase Donates $4.6 Million To NYPD On Eve Of Protests

JP Morgan Chase Donates $4.6 Million To NYPD On Eve Of Protests

Cosmic thread that binds us revealed

“What we have discovered is evidence for the cosmic thread that connects us to the vast expanse of the Universe.

“The filament of star clusters and small galaxies around the Milky Way is like the umbilical cord that fed our Galaxy during its youth.”   link

DNA Sequencing Reveals Startling Recent Human Evolutionary Complexity

 DNA sequencing shows that there were four human 'species' living and interbreeding in Europe and Asia 50,000 years ago, as opposed to the two species that were recognized as recently as ten years ago as the only species of the genus Homo. In addition it showed that there was an identifiably separate version of Homo sapiens sapiens living in Australia, who left Africa 70,000 years ago, at least 20,000 years before anyone believed the Homo sapiens exodus had begun.   link

Missing planet explains solar system's structure

The solar system once had five giant gaseous planets rather than the four it has today. That's the conclusion from a computer simulation of the solar system's evolution, which suggests the fifth giant was hurled into interstellar space some 4 billion years ago, after a violent encounter with Jupiter.
Astronomers have struggled for decades to explain the solar system's current structure. In particular, Uranus and Neptune couldn't have formed where they are today – the disc of gas that congealed into the planets would have been too thin at the edge of the solar system to account for the ice giants' bulk.
A more likely scenario is that the planets were packed close together when they formed, and only spread out when the disc of gas and dust from which they formed was used up. The tighter orbits of extrasolar planet systems support this idea.
But the great gravitational bullies of the solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, would not have gone quietly to their new homes. Previous simulations show that at least one planet, usually Uranus or Neptune, should have been ejected from the solar system in the shuffle.   link

What You Eat Affects Your Genes: RNA from Rice Can Survive Digestion and Alter Gene Expression

What’s the News: It’s no secret that having lunch messes with your biochemistry. Once that sandwich hits your stomach, genes related to digestion have been activated and are causing the production of the many molecules that help break food down. But a new study suggests that the connection between your food’s biochemistry and your own may be more intimate than we thought. Tiny RNAs usually found in plants have been discovered circulating in blood, and animal studies indicate that they are directly manipulating the expression of genes.   link

Pesticides found at 50 times safe levels

A new study reveals widespread pesticide contamination of catchments draining into the Great Barrier Reef at levels far higher than previously thought and as much as 50 times the level deemed safe.  link

Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Internets

Computer networks proved their organizing power during the recent uprisings in the Middle East, in which Facebook pages amplified street protests that toppled dictators. But those same networks showed their weaknesses as well, such as when the Egyptian government walled off most of its citizens from the Internet in an attempt to silence protesters.
That has led scholars and activists increasingly to consider the Internet's wiring as a disputed political frontier.
For example, one weekend each month, a small group of computer programmers gathers at a residence here to build a homemade Internet—named Project Byzantium—that could go online if parts of the current global Internet becomes blocked by a repressive government.   link